In the center of the test area are the clamping field with several load frames and various universal testing machines with different load ranges, which are extensively equipped with modern measurement and control technology. The concreting facility as well as areas for metal and wood processing are available for the production of the test setups and the test specimens. An air-conditioned cement and concrete laboratory for testing building materials as well as further laboratory areas for the chairs of foundation engineering, building physics and materials of construction complete the testing capacity.

Equipment overview
The general apparatus equipment consists mainly of the following devices and equipment:
- Servo-hydraulic and mechanical testing machines from 1 kN to 5000 kN maximum test force.
- Clamping field (9 x 12 m) with flexible test frames for forces up to 4 MN
- Variable servo-hydraulic test cylinders from 63 kN to 1600 kN
- Measurement and control electronics for test execution and recording
- Hydraulic cylinders (double or single acting) for forces up to 2500 kN
- areas for metal and wood working
- Electronics laboratory
- Concreting plant
- Cement and concrete laboratory
- Specialized integrated laboratory areas of the chairs of foundation engineering, building physics and materials of civil engineering